Before you decide to go in cooperation with an investor, you must carefully check all the information concerning its activity. As usual, we recommend you to contact experts that would guarantee the safety of the deal. However, you by yourself, having a look at the board at the construction site and Internet access, can check many important parameters. Below are some of these:
General information: investor, the responsible contractor, the parcel on which the object is being built
On the building board, you can get all the necessary information: the business name of the investor, his registration number, the number of the building permit, the number of the cadastral parcel, and so on.
Information about the investor in the public register of the Serbian Business Registers Agency - APR (if it is a company)
Search can be done by entering the ID or business name. The company must have the status "Активно привредно друштво" - active company. Link "детаљније" – more will follow you to different information and annual financial statements of the investor.
Investor solvency check
By entering the registration number or other data, you will get information from the National Bank of Serbia register whether the investor account is included in the payment operations or is blocked
In addition, you can check the investor through the Credit Rating Bureau of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, this is charged and the fee depends on the volume of data you are looking for.
Checking the construction site
On the Real Estate Cadastre "RGZ" website, you need to select the municipality and the number of cadastral plots. Data you can check - whether the plot is marked "ГРАДСКО ГРАЂЕВИНСКО ЗЕМЉИШТЕ - City building land". The investor must be registered as the holder of the right to use or lease. If the holder of the right to use another person, the investor must have a co-investment agreement regulating the relationship with the owner of the land.
Building permit or use permit
Portal "Централна евиденција обједињених процедура - Central Record of Unified Procedures" is a place where you can search for information by the number of building permit, investor's name or a street. The data to be checked are the name of the investor, the number of the cadastral plot, the date of validity of the building permit, the data related to the parameters of the building (number of floors, purpose, etc.)
Below you'll find overview of the complete file of the unified procedure so you get information for all other documents related to the object: registration of works, notification of the construction inspection about the completion of the foundation, registration of the completion of buildings in a constructive sense, connection to utility and other infrastructure and etc.
Contract with the Directorate for Building Land and Construction of Belgrade and settlement of obligations on this basis
By entering the business name of the investor or the number of the cadastral plot in the search field of the list of investors in debt for land development fee, you can check whether the investor owes this fee.
Documents confirming the ownership of the property (the investor must provide upon request)
These are “Vlasnički list” or contract with the owner.
Reviews of actual buyers for this object, other objects of this investor
For example, on the forum.