In addition to the sums that the seller has suggested you pay for the new apartment, you will be charged with additional expenses that usually accompany the deal. Data below are approximate and depend on the cost of real estate, forms of payment, the cost of agency services, lawyers, bank rates and all other participants involved in the process of buying and selling.
Estimated sum
Tax on transfer of ownership rights OR
One of the specified taxes is paid (depending on the form of taxation of the seller) |
Real estate agency commission
Real estate agency can provide their lawyer, so you won't need to pay it separetely |
Lawyer, preparation of preliminary and/or main contract
€ 150 - € 300
Notary services, confirmation of preliminary and/or main contract
€ 300
Depends on the value of the property, the amount shown refers to an apartment valued at €150.000
Certification of other documents by a notary
€ 50
Registration in the cadaster
€ 50